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ION Setup Revision History and Features & Fixes

270 views  August 20, 2024


The ION Setup revision history may be required.

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ION Setup


ION Setup


Please see the table below for the revision history. 
To obtain the latest version of ION Setup software, refer to article FA212816 - Where can I download the latest version of ION Setup Software?
Release DateVersionFile NameBug FixesNew Features
6/21/2013ION 3.0 Build 13172IONSETUP30_B13172_01.EXE
- CM3/CM4 Alarm log programming to a depth of 0
- PM53xx Meter Resets and other various setup problems with Ashoka devices
- Removal of PM5560 Remapping setup
- Bug fix for Harmonics/Phasor Viewer Real-Time display
- Communication statistic resetting for scripting mode
- Preliminary PM8000 Setup Assistant support
7/26/2013ION 3.0 Build 13207.02IONSETUP30_B13207_02.EXE
- Momentum PLC bug fix for data log configuration issue
- Corruption of DEVINFO.DAT file for certain device types when saved
- PM5560 Input Metering configuration issues resolved
- Momentum PLC configuration report
- PM8K Input Metering Prototype (not fully functional yet)
11/13/2013ION 3.0 Build 13200.03IONSETUP30_B13200_03.EXE
- Momentum PLC TOC table incorrectly being configured
- CM4xxxx Meter Configuration report hanging due to addition of Alarm Log configuration
- Fixed crashing when viewing waveforms for ION devices with more than 20 waveform modules (PM8K)
- Prototype of an Advanced Security Password Updater (mass update for password of Super-users)
- PM8K Incremental/Conditional Energy + Security Configuration Profiles.
-PM8K RMD Upgrades
- Changes to Scripting to prevent further processing of requests when unable to communicate
11/14/2013 ION 3.0 Build 13318.02IONSETUP30_B13318_02.EXE- CM3/CM4 Meter Configuration report hanging on added Min/Max/Avg & Sequence of Event log setups
- MV-90 Master file Bug fixes for new xi 3.0 format
- Bug fix for template saving for PM8K with large number of inputs for new Data Mapping modules
- Device Scan detection for various new MicroLogic Circuit Breakers and new VEGA ULP gateway.
- PM8k Input Metering/ Conditional Energy Setup Assistant for latest framework/ firmware
- Various improvements for Site Comm Testing & Circuit Breaker Status reports
11/22/2013ION 3.0 Build 13326.01IONSETUP30_B13326_01.EXE- CM3/CM4 Meter Configuration not displaying correct setup values for additional data log configurations.
- Bug fix for module deletion for PM8K with large number of inputs for new Data Mapping modules.
- Improvements for Device Scan/Comm Testing/Circuit Breaker Status report feature.
- PM8K Conditional Energy/Input Metering setup assistant and displaying of associated values using Normal Mode verification.
- Bug fix for PLC Clock display issue not displaying correct date/time.
 02/06/2014 ION 3.0 Build 14037.02 IONSETUP30_B14037_02.EXE - Fixed PM6xx Setup screen issues.
- Fixed issue with certain custom setup assistant text being too long.
- Fixed PM8000 Wiring display to reference new HME modules for phase & magnitude instead of Harmonic modules
 - Added setup files for CM2050/CM2150/CM2250.
- Added Flex Channel Assignment for BCPM and support for Veris ASCII representation of the labels
- Increased number of supported sites from present 128 to 256 to allow for large PME systems
- Added support for new PM8000 Custom Display setup wizard
- Modified PM5560 TIme of Use wizard to differentiate between time periods separately from the date range properly
02/21/2014ION 3.0 Build 14052.02IONSETUP30_B14052_02.EXE- Fixed issue with stop and hold setup option.- Added FileMode setup options for all PM8/CM data log configurations.
-Enhanced ULP IO Status reporting.
- Working on multi module creation and partial FWN support.
03/18/2014ION 3.0 Build 14077.03IONSETUP30_B14077_03.EXE-  Fixes for extended ASCII characters in template pastes.
-  Fixed issues with Modbus Alarm template pasting.
-  Support for new device features for BCPM/EM72XX latest firmware.
04/04/2014ION 3.0 Build 14094.02IONSETUP30_B14094_02.EXE-  fixes for E5600 configuration and data log uploads via Modbus
-  Fixed Site scanning and site comm testing issues
-  Fixed M3xxx data log uploads issue
04/17/2014ION 3.0 Build 14107.01IONSETUP30_B14107_01.EXE -  Added new setup files for latest BCPM firmware
-  changes to programming for Advanced ION security hiding entered passwords and reporting of passwords via the Advanced Password updater.
05/09/2014ION 3.0 Build 14129.01IONSETUP30_B14129_01.EXE-  Fixes for iEM3/PM3xxx setup issues with latest released firmware.-  Improvements to site comm testing, circuit breaker status reports.
05/21/2014ION 3.0 Build 14135.02IONSETUP30_B14135_02.EXE-  fixes for iEM3/PM3xxx release firmware changes affecting all setup screens.
-  fix for EM7xxx energy real-time viewer for UINT64 registers.
05/30/2014ION 3.0 Build 14150.02IONSETUP30_B14150_02.EXE-  Fix issues with template pasting for PM/CM devices for data logs/alarms not programming properly. -  Added trip unit door status for circuit breaker status report.
06/04/2014ION 3.0 Build 14155.03IONSETUP30_B14155_03.EXE-  fixes issue with pasting Alarm Log via Template function incorrectly setting the file number instead of the enable/disable setting. 
06/23/2014ION 3.0 Build 14174.02IONSETUP30_B14174_02.EXE-  Fixed PM6xx data log setup-  added PM6xx setup reporting
-  active comm port indication
-  EM1220 support.
07/04/2014ION 3.0 Build 14185.01IONSETUP30_B14185_01.EXE-  Fixed PM6xx data log configuration issue
-  fix for PM8 billing log interval not being stored in templates.
-  added PM6xx meter config reporting.
-  Preliminary PM8K Optional I/O setup assistant.
07/11/2014ION 3.0 Build 14192.02IONSETUP30_B14192_02.EXE-  Fixed issues with PM6 log setup with invalid memory allocation by adding new viewable memory allocation.  
-  Fixed issue with Micrologic incorrectly displaying wrong device type during scan insertion.
-  Fixed issue with ION parsing of event time quality requests.
-  Fixed issue during log upload to retry if Slave Busy response is received from Modbus gateway.
-  Added missing 73xx Ethernet settings to setup assistant. 
07/15/2014ION 3.0 Build 14196.03IONSETUP30_B14196_03.EXE-  fixes for MicroLogic breaker device type detection
-  fix for PM5561/PM5563 CT settings when not using 4th CT
-  added support for optional digital input alarms for PM8K.
08/08/2014ION 3.0 Build 14220.02IONSETUP30_B14220_02.EXE-  fixes for device scan test, waveform chart guide info update & header resizing
-  fixes for PM5xxx data log upload issue, CM2xxx report saving, ION86xx verification display issue
-  PM8K Setup Assistant changes
-  Changes for Script mode to support multiple file
-  Multiple monitor support
-  Resizable ION module dialogs
-  Support for additional advanced security users
09/10/2014ION 3.0 Build 14253.01IONSETUP30_B14253_01.EXE-  Improved Setup Assistant Time Sync functionality
- Security Wizard enhancements for new protocol control registers
-  fixes for charting, added more variable sizing of setup dialogs
-  CM4000T fix for Transient alarm
-  PM8K Option Card Reset pulse moved to new register
09/11/2014ION 3.0 Build 14254.01IONSETUP30_B14254_01.EXE-  fix for table event viewers for ION meters not displaying Event Log information properly. 
09/12/2014ION 3.0 Build 14255.01IONSETUP30_B14255_01.EXE-  fix for all table log viewers which were having issues showing date/time column due to some changes for upcoming features. 
10/17/2014ION 3.0 Build 14290.03IONSETUP30_B14290_03.EXE-  Fixes various event viewer issues
-  â€…various fixes for scripting
-  added new protocol control setup assistant tab for PM8K/8650 if supported, syslog, event reader settings, new security assistant changes
10/31/2014ION 3.0 Build 14304.02IONSETUP30_B14304_02.EXE-  â€… Various fixes along with support for new PM8K/8650v2 security changes.-  Brand new installer based on standard =S= software one.
-  Added preliminary support for Modbus/DNP mapping files.
11/14/2014ION 3.0 Build 14318.01IONSETUP30_B14318_01.EXE-  fixes for PM8 energy registers displaying incorrectly for large values
-  fixed â€…issues for Modbus/DNP map file function, support for new PM55xx changes, new IFE model type
-  preliminary support for new EM64xx and ION7400 devices.
11/24/2014ION 3.0 Build 14328.01IONSETUP30_B14328_01.EXE -  Added Conzerv EM64xx, ION7400, 8650V2, PM55xx Phase 2 support
12/11/2014ION 3.0 Build 14339.01IONSETUP30_B14339_01.EXE-  fix for incorrect IEEE float32 format for data logs
-  fix for invalid CID value crash
-  changes to PM55xx new advance serial features
-  Change to add additional overflow parameters (WhE & VARhE) to all EM64xx setup files
-  Final changes to allow for script inter-process messaging
-  Changes to PM55xx setup files for new Advanced serial settings
-  Change to Test Reset action to more appropriate dialog title and shorter timeout
-  Installer changes to better detect OS and bootstrapper warnings

1/8/2015ION 3.0 Build 15008.01IONSetup v3.0.15008.01.exe- Changes to Register Map file to fix issue with all negative Power Factor readings in all PM7/PM8/CM PowerLogic series of devices.- Code added to support old PowerLogic Power Factor 16 bit format.
- Changes to add AddOn validation settings, ability to cancel unlinking/loading for Load Profile changes when warning is shown plus preliminary changes to add inter-application socket connections
1/22/2015ION 3.0 Build 15022.02IONSetup v3.0.15022.02.exe- Bug fix when viewing unassigned group with both sites & groups shown.- Changes to Circuit breaker status reports
- Changes to MicroLogic/ULP folder structure
2/4/2015ION 3.0 Build 15035.01IONSetup v3.0.15035.01.exe- Bug fix for system crash when network/device files mismatch. - Added 8650 Cellular Modem setup options
- Support for site names beginning with a digit
2/19/2015ION 3.0 Build 15050.01IONSetup v3.0.15050.01.exe- Bug fixes for PM5xxx device scanning and MV-90 Master file report for new PM8K.- Added Device Tester User and associated multiple gateway building plus scanning.
- New 8650C cellular port enabling if equipped.
2/27/2015ION 3.0 Build 15058.01IONSetup v3.0.15058.01.exe - Added 8650 Cellular network IP setup wizard
- Additional PQ PM8K template string to PWRMLIST.CFG
3/13/2015ION 3.0 Build 15072.02IONSetup v3.0.15072.02.exe- Bug fix for ION7400 manager info not being read properly and better error handling when creating modules by name.
- Bug fix for FWN paste issue using non-RMP downloading.
- Added support for PM556X FTP firmware upgrade
4/10/2015ION 3.0 Build 15100.01IONSetup v3.0.15100.01.exe- Fixed issue with MicroLogic breakers attached via IFM.- Added support for 8650 V420 and new cellular modem option.
- Added support for IEEE 5-19 template for ION7650 and PM8000 .
- Expanded Advanced Security updater to support up to 50 users and front panel password.
- Added iEM2100 Modbus folder to view real-time information. 
4/17/2015ION 3.0 Build 15107.01IONSetup v3.0.15107.01.exe- Bug fixes for circuit breaker/IO reports for IFM connected breakers
- PowerLogic Save Template function not working properly after introducing Save Options root folder
- CM2xxx waveform setup crashing
- Additional work done on supporting upgrades for PowerLogic Modbus upgrading
4/24/2015ION 3.0 Build 15114.03IONSetup v3.0.15114.03.exe- Bug fixes for device cloning using drag & drop, not listing Circuit Breaker status for only IFE on a site
- Added missing EM3555 files from new installer
- Progress added for PowerLogic FWB upgrade process
4/27/2015ION 3.0 Build 1517702IONSetup v3.0.15117.02.exe - Added System Communication Test option. 
5/1/2015ION 3.0 Build 15121.02IONSetup v3.0.15121.02.exe- Fixed issues with EM6400NG setup options and semaphore issues. 
- Bug fix for not listing all MicroLogic breakers for system status display. 
- Changed Circuit Breaker Status to a System only option.
- Added System Builder prompt for Device Tester users
5/20/2015ION 3.0 Build 15140.02IONSetup v3.0.15140.02.exe- Added missing PM2XXX and EM6400NG setup files to installer
- Fixed issue with ION7400 Data Recorder view missing headings
- Added missing PM8000 IEEE 5-19 template folder to installer
- Fixed Global System Communication test crashing issue
- Added Calibration Wizard support for ION7550/7650/8800
- Standardized Advanced ION Security password programming and validation
- Added new firmware build number for firmware upgrade validation check
- Added check to prevent constant serial port initialization for USB issues 
5/29/2015ION 3.0 Build 15149.01IONSetup v3.0.15149.01.exe- Fixed issue with EM6400NG/PM2000 Setup options, IFE/TCP detection
- Fixed serial port issues introduced in recent builds
- Incorrect interpretation of regional settings when period is grouping digit symbol.
- Fixed issue with meter comparison report and TOU setup register
- Added ION7400 additional comm settings via assistant
- US Template/Options integration into main installation.
- Standardization of Advanced security password entry/programming.
6/2/2015ION 3.0 Build 15153.01IONSetup v3.0.15153.01.exe- Fixed communication issues due to changes for USB port detection 
6/17/2015ION 3.0 Build 15168.01IONSetup v3.0.15168.01.exe- Bug fix for serial port issues- Changes to display editor for new ION7400.
- Changes to EM6400NG/PM2xxx setup files to match present firmware changes. 
6/26/2015ION 3.0 Build 15177.01IONSetup v3.0.15177.01.exe- Fixes issue with detecting breakers equipped with IFM Comm modules.- Added preliminary new Enercept support files and device detection.
- Added configurable energy pulsing for ION7550/ION7650 via Setup Assistant.
- Updated Display Setup Assistant wizard to support new ION7400.
7/10/2015ION 3.0 Build 15191.01IONSetup v3.0.15191.01.exe- Fixed LED Pulsing Setup for EM6400NG/PM2xxx.- Added support for 12/18 CT versions of BCPM.
- Preliminary auto ION device detection for device testing.
- Standardization for Advanced Security Logon/Passwords.
- Added configurable input for 7650/PM8K Energy Pulsing output
7/24/2015ION 3.0 Build 15205.01IONSetup v3.0.15205.01.exe- Fixed issues with auto ION device insertion for PM8K, serial port reporting unavailable when editing, reporting issues during USB upgrades, DGD uploading using 8650 V420, IEEE 5-19 bug fix, Detection of old IFE f/w.- Added device notes which show via tooltips, configurable D4 energy pulsing output for ION7550/ION7650 latest framework.
8/14/2015ION 3.0 Build 15226.01IONSetup v3.0.15226.01.exe- Fixed issue with missing TRV-identified ML breakers.- Added preliminary new PDM-based Modbus Slave setup wizard.
- Added support for Access 9410. 
8/21/2015ION 3.0 Build 15233.01IONSetup v3.0.15233.01.exe- Bug fixes for ACCESS 9410 firmware upgrade, PM8000/ION7400 Setup Assistant Display Editor, 4720 ACM crashing on certain Min/Max viewers, using different regional settings different than North American standard. - Added ION7400 LED Pulsing options to Setup Assistant.
- New Modbus Slave wizard support new PDM equipped devices.
- Preliminary support for new iEM34xx/35xx devices.
8/28/2015ION 3.0 Build 15240.01IONSetup v3.0.15240.01.exe- Bug fixes for Siemens 9410 template paste, DGD Log extraction issue for PM8K platform, ION7400 Display editor.- Added support for ECC Web Enable/Disable.
9/25/2015ION 3.0 Build 15268.01IONSetup v3.0.15268.01.exe- Bug fixes for alarm label issue set to long with CM3/CM4/PM8, Calibration wizard not being allowed properly, Security wizard not handling old SCF files for new V420 firmware for ION8650, PM8K Meter configuration report, waveform viewer not reporting record timestamp properly.- Modified iEM3455/iEM3555 setup options to match firmware.
- Added new ION8800 comm setup registers to Setup Assistant.
10/2/2015ION 3.0 Build 15275.02IONSetup v3.0.15275.02.exe- Bug fixes for PM2xxx setup configuration to match release firmware, backup of INI and security user files and restoring after installer, PM8K/ION7400 4-30 Harmonic viewer incorrect reference for V1 57th magnitude 
10/23/2015ION 3.0 Build 15296.01IONSetup v3.0.15296.01.exe- Bug fixes for PM2xxx alarm setup, US Template Modbus Master setup wizard, ION8650 V420 Comm Access right with old/no SCF loads.- Added Flicker Log views for ION7400.
11/6/2015ION 3.0 Build 15310.01IONSetup v3.0.15310.01.exe- Bug fixes for CM2xxx alarm multiply text, meter config report and scaling.- Additional changes for PM2xxx setup to align with released firmware.
- ION7400 Transformer Loss assistant modified to match template.
11/27/2015ION 3.0 Build 15331.01IONSetup v3.0.15331.01.exe - Added Meter Setup Configuration reporting for all PM2xxx and PM5xxx models.
12/4/2015ION 3.0 Build 15338.01IONSetup v3.0.15338.01.exe- Bug fixes for device grouping properties, CM2000 Meter configuration reporting. - Added preliminary support for PM9000 in development, meter config reporting for BCPM, and firmware upgrading of some PowerLogic power meters using new FWB files.
1/8/2016ION 3.0 Build 16008.01IONSetup v3.0.16008.01.exe- Bug fixes for global IPv6 addresses, PM2xxx voltage mode setting, CM4 PQ Summary, 8650 Phasor display for Delta mode, added IEEE 5-19 support for US templates.  
1/29/2016ION 3.0 Build 16029.01IONSetup v3.0.16029.01.exe - Added US Template Display Editor, increased total supported sites, bug fix for ITC-based device calibration, delta mode phasor viewer, CM4 Alarm programming with increased # of alarms.
2/4/2016ION 3.0 Build 16035.01IONSetup v3.0.16035.01.exe- Bug fixes for Delta Vector phasor viewer, CM4 additional PQ alarm parameters added to register map. 
2/26/2016ION 3.0 Build 16057.01IONSetup v3.0.16057.01.exe- Bugfixes for Unicode time formats, max module waveform viewing, PM2/PM5 alarm indexing issue, Global Comm Testing printouts, phasor viewing of Modbus based devices.- Added PM650 data log view, removal of PM620 data log setup.
3/11/2016ION 3.0 Build 16071.01IONSetup v3.0.16071.01.exe- Bug fixes for 3300/4300 ACM setup crash, resetting labels for FWNs without custom labels, missing network info on meter config report, relative setpt programming via wizard.- Digitally signing of installer and Comm Test reporting improvements.
3/18/2016ION 3.0 Build 16078.01IONSetup v3.0.16078.01.exe - Bug fixes for ION7700 upgrades, ION input selection not listing registers, removal of displays for US Display editor, programming of labels reset back to default using new DCFs.- Automatic closing of assistant when downloading new templates.
3/31/2016ION 3.0 Build 16091.01IONSetup v3.0.16091.01.exe- Bug fixes for password entries restricted to fewer characters due to font sizing, digital output association not working properly for PM8/CM3/CM4- Improved template matching to support alternate CFG files.
4/22/2016ION 3.0 Build 16113.01IONSetup v3.0.16113.01.exe - Bug fixes for WFR uploads with no modules, improper alarm associations, framework pasting issue with Event register, CM2 delta phasor.- Added I/O alarm for PM/CM, new ION exception popup, THD Current G to register map, iEM2xxx SN# firmware.
4/29/2016ION 3.0 Build 16120.01IONSetup v3.0.16120.01.exe - Bug fixes for PM2x25 missing Digital I/O Setup entries, ION8800B setup assistant missing setup assistant entries, CM2xxx comm setup requiring soft reset.-  Added new HEP comm protocols to setup assistant.
5/19/2016ION 3.0 Build 16140.01IONSetup v3.0.16140.01.exe - Bug fixes for adding PM9000, swapping of waveform start/trigger time, PF/Freq assigned to Analog Output on CM/PM setup, Circuit Breaker status reporting of Not Found, ICMP usage for TCP connections. 
5/27/2016ION 3.0 Build 16148.02IONSetup v3.0.16148.02.exe - Bug fixes for print dialog crashing, multiple gateway scanning issues, user calibration issues, Removal of ICMP feature and replaced with asynchronous TCP connections.- ION8800 IEC61850 firmware support.
6/30/2016ION 3.0 Build 16182.01IONSetup v3.0.16182.01.exe - Bug fixes for CM3/4 WFC alarm action not properly shown, IPv6 switched to non-blocking sockets, ION8800 new security feature additions, Digital Inputs event logging and label configuration added to HEP assistants. 
8/5/2016ION 3.0 Build 16218.01IONSetup v3.0.16218.01.exe - Bug fixes for display editor when viewing all ION modules, CM/PM WFC alarm/memor config. Restricted password viewing.- Added new IP Setup Assistant for PM8K, ION7400, SIE9410, PM9K devices with DHCP and duplicate IP detection, new Com4 tab for PM9K.
9/9/2016ION 3.0 Build 16253.01IONSetup v3.0.16253.01.exe - bug fix for battery level firmware issue
- bug fixes for IP Setup wizard
- Added new HEP Log memory assistant, new PM22xx folder with Turkish language selection, PM5350P/EM1350 support
11/30/2016ION 3.0 Build 16335.01IONSetup v3.0.16335.01.exe - Bug fixes for viewing signed scaled integers via Modbus, changed labeling for PM9000 and energy pulsing on some products.- New support for EM72xx enhancements; IP wizard testing/reconnection, preliminary EM4200/EM4900 support, ION7400 Top LED sourcing.
12/2/2016ION 3.0 Build 16337.01IONSetup v3.0.16337.01.exe - Bug fixes for missing PM 2 IP sections in Setup Assistant, a few bug fixes for PM5xxx template pasting. 
2/2/2017ION 3.0 Build 17033.01IONSetup v3.0.17033.01.exe- Bug fixes for scripting of Modbus based templates- Added upgrade reminder for new device/firmware, PM850 waveform input selection, RVC changes to ION7650 setup assistant.
3/10/2017ION 3.0 Build 17069.01IONSetup v3.0.17069.01.exe- Fix for charting issues when viewing CM/PM data logs containing more than 24 parameters (restricting to only selecting a max of 24 now).
- Fix for ION Setup now properly closing down when exiting via Single Device mode.
- Fix for PM2230 Analog I/O programming to allow FLOAT32 values.
- Added warning when older DCFs were saved without feature information when downloading to other feature sets.
- Addition on template load/save functionality for most PowerLogic family of products.
- Ability to view meter timestamps using non-PC local time (devices can now be set to individual time zones or by sites).
- Support for new ION7650 PQ firmware and feature set including new IP assistant support.
- Preliminary support for adding Interval Status information to HHF Export capability.
- Ability to select all logs in the viewer using + A.
- Shortcut to force disconnect a direct TCP connection which might be broken.
3/14/2017ION 3.0 Build 17073.01IONSetup v3.0.17073.01.exe- Bug fixes for template pasting issue when storing/restoring settings and charting issues introduced with previous version. 
3/31/2017ION 3.0 Build 17090.01IONSetup v3.0.17090.01.exe-Bug fixes for DM6xxx/EM64xx/Enercept template pasting, waveform charting, HHF interval status and CV issues, PM5350P firmware improvements-Added PM7xx scaling
5/5/2017ION 3.0 Build 17125.01IONSetup v3.0.17125.01.exe-A dded new PM8K Sag/Swell Alarm/Logging wizards, DDD setup for CM4 setup, ION8650 Cellular activation.
5/18/2017ION 3.0 Build 17138.02IONSetup v3.0.17138.02.exe-Changes for ION over Modbus feature and Sag/Swell Wizard.
6/9/2017ION 3.0 Build 17160.01IONSetup v3.0.17160.01.exeChanges to support new IoM version, long LogManager operations, SMEC format changes, added PM556x demand parameters. 
7/7/2017ION 3.0 Build 17188.01​IONSetup v3.0.17188.01.exe- dded support for new hybrid series meters, multi-mastering support with random ID for IoM.
7/28/2017ION 3.0 Build 17209.01​IONSetup v3.0.17209.01.exe- ION 3.0 Build 17243.01​IONSetup v3.0.17243.01.exe- - Support for new PM Hybrid devices
10/5/2017ION 3.0 Build
IONSetup v3.0.17278.02.exe- fixes for 8650 DRE Zero FIll and Cellular setup assistant issues plus HEP setup assistant for Localization settings.-Added EM42xx/PM2220R setup files
11/3/2017ION 3.0 Build 17307.01IONSetup v3.0.17307.01.exe- bug fix for ION/Modbus, IP Setup wizard, DRE Zero Fill fix moved to template functionality.- Added software update dialog indicating progress, firmware upgrade improvements and fixes
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